Choosing A Wired Mouse Vs. Wireless Mouse

Wednesday, December 16th, 2020

wireless mouse vs wired mouse

A computer mouse is one of the most important things you need to have in your office. If you work from a desktop, you simply can’t do without it! Every employee with a computer uses this product on a daily basis. As such, it is critical to select one that is a good fit for the job. There are many different types of mice and each type has a different use. Consider ergonomics and size in your search. Also, think about the palm, claw or fingertip grip as well as the added buttons. Remember to compare the advantages and disadvantages of a wired and wireless mouse.

Ergonomics and size

Regardless of the model that you choose, the computer mouse must feel good in your hand. Proper desktop arrangement can significantly reduce the amount of strain that you exert while using a mouse. Next, think about the size of the computer mouse. Typically, size is a personal preference. Consider what feels best and what level of portability you would like with your mouse. 

Palm, claw and fingertip grip

Certain types of computer mice are better for certain grips. With a palm grip, the entire hand lays on the mouse and you use your palm to navigate. The palm grip is the most comfortable and fastest grip, but it’s also the least precise.

The claw grip positions your tip fingers arched over the back of the mouse, and you have the option to use your thumb, ring finger, and pinky for heightened control. This grip is fairly precise but more straining.

The fingertip grip is the opposite of the palm grip. Your palm doesn’t rest on these mice at all, which allows you to use your fingertips for all of the control. This grip is the most precise but also the most straining.

Added buttons

Many mice are equipped with a scroll wheel as well as extra buttons on the side. You can set your side buttons to virtually any computer function, such as navigating backward and forward in a browser or cutting and pasting text. It may seem trivial to have these additional functions available on a computer mouse, but these shortcuts can save a lot of time and effort.

The pros and cons of a wireless mouse

A wireless mouse is more convenient. Cords don’t tangle or get stretched around your desk, and this product won’t get in the way of your computer tasks. The portability makes a wireless mouse easy to travel with. If you have a laptop that you take to meetings in other offices and conference rooms, you can just pick up the mouse and go.

Wireless mice require batteries and are less sensitive than wired mice. A wireless mouse will lag just before the batteries wear out. Employees in certain industries also benefit from mice with high sensitivity, such as graphic designers. If you do any kind of computer work with lots of small, precise movements, sensitivity is critical. Typically, a wireless mouse is more expensive than a wired mouse. This product also has a limited range of connectivity.

Pros and cons of a wired mouse

A wired mouse is cheaper, more sensitive, and does not require batteries. Depending on the job at hand, it may actually be beneficial to have a more sensitive type. You must be realistic about your needs and shop accordingly.

A wired mouse has very limited range and mobility. If you are traveling, it may be difficult to deal with cords that are likely to get tangled in your bag.

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